Community Green Space: Promoting Physical & Mental Well Being for an Underserved Community. This project site is based on Jim Thorpe Park, currently located in Hawthorne, CA. This is my childhood park, and it’s located in the community I was raised in. It’s no secret that parks that are in low-income communities are hardly maintained or updated. It was important to me that I highlight these disparities based on first-hand experience. Jim Thorpe is classified as in fair condition based on the LA Countywide Comprehensive Park & Recreation Needs Assessment. What was once a sundown town, is now home to 52.88% Latinos, followed by the second largest group being black with 28.13%. In many of these communities, there are two qualities among the population that are very poor and those are physical and mental health; both being direct results of one another. With economic and social disparities being significant contributing factors to the overall lack of well-being in these communities, it’s important that there are safe, quality outdoor spaces that would harvest relationships among its citizens as well as healthier and safer ways of leading and maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle.
Cal State Northridge
BS, Marketing
Hawthorne, CA
Visiting nurseries
Become a residential
landscape designer